“Ukrainian forces launched a surprise attack in eastern Russia’s Kursk region on Sunday, aiming to regain control of lost territory in the coming weeks.”
Videos show lines of armored vehicles moving through the snowy terrain towards the village of Bolshoe Soldatskoe.
Ukrainian authorities confirmed that a significant operation was in progress, while Russian journalists reported fierce clashes in the region.
Several media outlets reported that Ukraine’s military forces have entered the villages of Berdin and Novosotnitskii, however, these allegations cannot be confirmed independently.
Ukraine stunned Russia with a surprise offensive last summer in August but has since relinquished control over half the ground it had conquered.
The head of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s office, Andriy Yermak, stated that the most recent Ukrainian operation had been a success.
“The Kursk region, a place where Russia is getting what it deserves,” he wrote on Sunday.
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